Faith Brought You Here, Faith Will Keep You

With every turn of our life cycle we go through seasons, which have tests and trials.  There are people that will be with us throughout our life span and there are people that will only be with us a short amount of time and leave us.  These relationships that we have are there to help us grow, learn and hopefully change or blossom into strong, beautiful, healthy creatures.  The person that God put us here to be.  It was never his plan for us to lean and rely on others but to trust and lean on him and his divine ability and intervention.  When our faith and trust is where it should be those tests and trials will be mastered successfully.  We will not succumb to the pressures of life and the distractions that will be before us.  We will move on and press toward our destiny with purpose and drive.  When we know who we are and whose we are we are able to fight with a muster and strength that come from within, because our foundation is deep to the core.  When we seek guidance from our God and know him above all else we can rest assured in his word and in his promise that victory will always be ours.