Darkness To Light

Because you left I was sifted into a tailspin, thrown about like a hurricane that came in the night

My darkness was stronger than the strongest wave

You opened my heart with an unimaginable force.

Everything in me felt you, your presence so great, so consuming

As fast as you came you departed my life

Leaving a wreckage that only a hurricane could bring

Now as I sit repairing the storm called you.

I wonder what kind of faith could bring me through

What grace, mercy could take me from this pain

I closed my eyes dying to the love I had for you

I opened my eyes living for the love he has for me

That very mercy I prayed to grab me, that faith so strong it heals

Yes He has hold of me carrying me to a new place

A place where only peace can dwell

Now in the mountains where he has rescued me I feel the warmth of his presence

The softness of his love

The happiness of him having my heart in his hands

Yes rescued and loved by his mercy


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